Amazon Section 3 Suspension

In accordance with Section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement, your account has been deactivated because you are offering items that may be inauthentic.

Amazon Section 3 is an agreement that you agree to follow while creating an account on amazon seller central Amazon Section 3 is a broader Agreement breaching any of the single clauses can lead to the deactivation of your Amazon account.

Most Commonly the violations that came under section 3 are dropshipping violations and Inauthentic product complaint

Amazon can suspend your account if a customer complains about your item. They will close your listing first. If this happens more than once Amazon will suspend your account. The same goes for Private Label sellers, Always double-check what information you are entering in the product listing

We are expert in Reinstatement of Amazon section 3 Violation through solid appeals letters that works very well for our previous clients.

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